Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our Mother's Day

This weekend my sister, Leah, flew into my hometown from NYC. She and I drove about an hour and a half further south to a small town where my mom and stepfather live. We had a great Mother's Day weekend with the best mother on the planet :-) We had so much fun hanging out together and talking (what the three of us do best in each other's company), taking Leah's dog Bonnie for a nice long walk and cooking up a yummy vegetarian dinner. Then somehow Leah talked us into going to this little festival that the town has every year. I can't even remember what it was called, but we had a fun time walking around listening to the band play. Leah even twisted our arms ;-) and got us to share a plate of funnel cake with her. I rarely eat anything fried, but this was delicious and so worth it. Now that Leah lives so far away the three of us don't get to be together very often. Every moment we have together is a precious gift.

It was my first time as a Newf Mama to be away from my baby Louis. While I throughly enjoyed having 24 hours of not being responsible for anyone other than myself, I missed my little snugglebug. His Daddy took good care of him and Katie though...feeding, walking, playing with them and giving them lots of love. When I got home Sunday afternoon Louis was SO happy to see me. I sat down on the ground to be closer to him and he put his paws on my shoulders so he could reach my face to give me lots of sweet puppy kisses. My best girl Katie was also very happy to see me as she always is.

Me and My Mama

Mama's Girls

We Couldn't Resist the Funnel Cake

Me and My Sissy
Mama's Best Girl Kitty, Macy

Magnolia Blossom picked on our dog walk

1 comment:

Monica said...

You and your mother look a lot alike.

And have I ever mentioned that I love your hair?

Also, are you vegetarian? I've been trying to go veg for a while, still working on it. I could probably do it if it wasn't for a few foods that I LOOOOVE that are meat...

Happy Mother's Day!