Friday, July 27, 2007

New Zoo Revue(Room)

For some crazy reason the theme song from this children’s show from the 70’s popped into my head as I was about to type this post, so I decided to include a picture of it. It was a goofy show, but it came on so early in the morning when I was a child that I really enjoyed it in my half asleep state.

Now to the main point... we just got a nice LID anniversary present! I found out today that our dossier is now in the review room at the offices of the CCAA in China. It took our dossier over a year to reach this point - WOW! In the review room each family's dossier is throughly checked to make sure that the family meets all of the requirements of the CCAA and that all of the paperwork is in order. I do not expect to hear any feedback during this part of the process since our wonderful agency throughly reviewed our dossier before it was sent to China. However, it will still be a relief for me and my July 2006 LID friends to hear that we have made it out of the review room. Hopefully, we will get that news in a month or so.

After the review room comes the match room where our dossier will eventually be united with Lily's file :-) It gives me such a thrill to think about that moment. There is a huge bottleneck of dossiers in line between the review and match rooms, so I am still anticipating receiving our referral in late 2008 or early 2009. If that time frame changes you will definitely see a post about it here.