Thursday our group went to a Chinese flea market which was a very fun experience. The quality of the items sold there is very high and the price very low. Our main mission was to find some shoes for Natalie as the few pair we brought were too big for her. We found three pair along with a couple of toys for her to play with. Her favorite toy is a little cell phone that plays different music and animal sounds when the keys are pressed.

We had a delicious lunch and great conversation at the "Luminous Restaurant".

Natalie LOVES noodles...

She slurps them up like a pro

Some of our friends and fellow adoptive parents:

This baby gives the meal a big thumbs up!

Back at the hotel wearing her new shoes

Love her tights! So cute. Also, she always seems like she is thinking...like she is a very thoughtful child. Her imaginary sharing game is evidence of that as well!
What a little fashionista! I love her tights, shoes, & headband. Having a daughter is so much fun. The pic of her eating the noodles is cute!
Hi there. I am watching this beautiful little girl as she evolves into your loving family. How blessed you all are. When I hear of the updates of my beautiful niece Aubrey, I know how happy Natalie will be in her forever USA home. She is just waiting to meet her beloved newfies and life will be just perfect. In every picture I envision her thinking "this Mom and Dad thing are really cool, but they promised me some newfies!" Just wait til she meets Katie and Louie. Every child should know life with a newfoundland. What an amazing beautiful family you all are!
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