Putting her special owl P.J.s into the washer

Time to move the clothes to the dryer

Inspector Natalie makes sure this piece of clothing meets current regulations before she puts it into the dryer.

It passed inspection, so in it goes.

Here are my special owl jammies again.

That was fun...got any more Mama?

Seeing these pictures brought back sweet memories of Audrey helping me with the laundry when she was Natalie's age. Natalie seems to be adjusting to life in the States so well! :)
She looks like she is really doing very well. Such a good helper. You need to tell her there will be plenty more laundry with two big pups and a little girl in the house. : )
She is just completely, utterly and ridiculously adorable!
Soo furry adorable!
Love all the new pictures and to hear how well Nat is doing, Charity! I really enjoyed the scroll on the right - watching her grow is amazing! Love that sweet girl!
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