We had a wonderful time there visiting with lots of Chinese people including these National Guard troops.

Natalie met a few other children close to her age

Although she was a bit wary she seemed to enjoy herself

This gentleman was writing Chinese characters with water on the pavement

He wrote a special message for our group

Natalie and I rode on the swing with two little Chinese boys

Nat standing on a playing piece of a giant Chinese Checker board

Our family sitting under a weeping willow

We won't risk eating food from the street vendors, but we enjoy seeing what they are making

In the afternoon we decided to try out the hotel's indoor heated swimming pool, but this is as far as we got. Gary and I stuck our toes in and decided that the water was not warm enough for Natalie. By the way, the pool required swim caps. I didn't have one for Natalie so I put her little crocheted hat on her head which they thought was good enough.

Playing with her stacking cups before bed.

Daddy taught her to put them on her feet and she loves to do it herself now.

What a beautiful day and place. More moments for Natalie and the Happy Haus family journey. How long do you have to stay before you are allowed to return home? How are Katie and Louie doing while you are gone?
China is a beootiful place and da three of you makes a beootiful new family. We can't wait fur Katie and Louie to meet dere new two-legger sister.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
PeeS Max is MY new brudder!
The People's Park is as lovely as I remember. It looks like Natalie is settling in a bit quicker than Elspeth. I'm glad.
The pic of y'all under the willow tree is beautiful! It's been great following your journey and virtually visiting all the sights!
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