When Natalie is awake she can drive the Newfs a little crazy at times by trying to love on them a bit too much. We are working on teaching her that the dogs need their space. I think over time Natalie will learn how to behave properly around Katie & Louie and they will get used to her often jerky movements and high pitched squeals. In the meantime though Katie & Louie fully appreciate Natalie while she is sleeping. They often come check on her to make sure she is ok. They give her sleeping body a little sniff and wag their tails approvingly. Sometimes they lie down near her and guard her while she is asleep.
This is so sweet!
Natalie is a very lucky little two-legger cuz her has two of da best guardian angels in da world! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
This is the sweetest ever. So very cool. Your heart must be full. : )
That is such a sweet pic of the
two big dogs "caring" for their
little girl while she sleeps.
This dog loving grandma appreciates
that kind of love. mm, vancouver,wa.
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