From the Chicago Airport, 1:00 p.m...
After all these years of waiting for our daughter it's almost hard to believe that we are on our way to China at last. The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for Gary and I. We both have been so busy getting everything prepared at work, at home and getting our amazing dog/house sitter settled in, that we haven't had much choice but to live completely in the present moment. Now with a 15 hour flight ahead of us there is time to daydream about little Natalie Wanhan and our future together. My immediate hope is that the transition is not too hard for her. We will be at least her fourth set of parents. She was abandoned by her birth parents and has had at least two different sets of foster parents during her 21 months at Shangrao orphanage. It may take quite some time, but eventually Natalie will come to understand that we are her final and forever set of parents.
Our Itinerary:
11/4 Arrive Hong Kong
11/5-11/6 Tour Hong Kong and get on China time
11/7 Natalie Day :) We fly to Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Provence to meet our daughter.
11/8 Adoption Day - Natalie will officially become part of our family.
11/14 We get Natalie's passport
11/15 Fly to Guangzhou
11/17 Go to the U.S. Consulate to take the oath on Natalie's behalf that will allow her to become a U.S. citizen
11/18 We receive Natalie's Visa
11/19 Take a train from Guangzhou to Hong Kong
11/20 Fly Home!! I'm sure we will be ready for our own bed and to see Katie and Louie.

Bon Voyage! So so so excited for you!!! Will be pushing refresh often!
This is just amazing! I could not be happier for you! COULD. NOT.
Yippee! I am doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance cuz I am filled wif excitements!
Have a wunderful and safe trip to China to gets your beootiful new little two-legger Natalie. We is prayin' fur all of you!
Maggie Mae and Mom
Exciting! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in China.
I cant wait, have a wonderful trip and congrats!!
Yippee! I hope that you have a safe flight and the rest will take care of itself. So very excited for you.
Can't wait until you get home!
Hooray hooray hooray! Happy travels and buy *loads* of souvenirs to remember this trip by :)
Off to begin the biggest adventure you could ever imagine. Raising a child is so amazing. : )
I am so full of joy for you, Gary, and Natalie. I cannot wait to see pictures of you 3 together!!!!! xoxoxo I love you so much, my beautiful sister. You just beam!
xoxo Leah
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