Sunday, February 2, 2014

Playing Catchup

During the last 3 months of 2013 I was very short on time.  I decided to dedicate the month of January to catching up on all of the things that I had to neglect during the previous 3 months.  I'm still not caught up, but I made a huge dent in my backlog.  It dawned on me that it had been so long since I updated the blog that I didn't even have Christmas photos posted.  So prepare yourself for a deluge of photos.  I'll start with some random pics of my sweet daughter, Natalie Wanhan.
Wearing mommy's hat



Bebe Blogger said...

Natalie sure is growing up! Can't believe how different she looks now. Love all the pics, especially the Christmas card photo.

Tracy said...

She's growing into a very pretty little girl, you must be so proud.