I just realized that due to my recent erratic pattern of blogging I forgot to post pictures from my grandmother's 96th birthday. Natalie and I made a 2 1/2+ hour drive to a little town in SW Arkansas. When we arrived Natalie followed her usual pattern of being withdrawn from everyone there for the first few minutes. I commented to my Aunt D that when Natalie grows up I predict she will be a fashion designer or a director. Within 10 minutes of our arrival Natalie had dropped all of her barriers and was engaging every single person in the house in an elaborate game of her creation. Natalie had all of the adults very happily doing her bidding. As we watched Natalie issue command after command, all of which were promptly followed, Aunt D said, "I see what you mean about Natalie being a director". It was so nice for me to sit back in a corner and relax while watching the whole scene unfold with Natalie and her loving Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.
Playing paper dolls with Aunt D and Grandmother
Feeding the birds during a light snowfall with Uncle R and Uncle D
Goofing around with Grandmother
Playing with the marble toy that has been used by generations of children.
Natalie and her GreatGrandmother, the 96 year old beautiful birthday girl
Natalie and Granddaddy are ready to eat
The whole crew
Sad to say goodbye to Grandmother and Granddaddy