Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Flashback to Family Gathering

I just realized that due to my recent erratic pattern of blogging I forgot to post pictures from my grandmother's 96th birthday.  Natalie and I made a 2 1/2+ hour drive to a little town in SW Arkansas.  When we arrived Natalie followed her usual pattern of being withdrawn from everyone there for the first few minutes.  I commented to my Aunt D that when Natalie grows up I predict she will be a fashion designer or a director.   Within 10 minutes of our arrival Natalie had dropped all of her barriers and was engaging every single person in the house in an elaborate game of her creation.  Natalie had all of the adults very happily doing her bidding.  As we watched Natalie issue command after command, all of which were promptly followed, Aunt D said, "I see what you mean about Natalie being a director".  It was so nice for me to sit back in a corner and relax while watching the whole scene unfold with Natalie and her loving Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.

Playing paper dolls with Aunt D and Grandmother

Feeding the birds during a light snowfall with Uncle R and Uncle D

Goofing around with Grandmother

Playing with the marble toy that has been used by generations of children.

Natalie and her GreatGrandmother, the 96 year old beautiful birthday girl

Natalie and Granddaddy are ready to eat

The whole crew

Sad to say goodbye to Grandmother and Granddaddy

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Springtime Fun

Katie and Louie enjoying a Springtime Walk

 All the girls in Natalie's class just got their costumes for the upcoming recital at the end of May.  Natalie is thrilled with hers.

At the beginning of April Natalie started swimming lessons.  Her teacher is very sweet and patient and Natalie is loving her classes.

Natalie with a couple of friends at school.  I love how her friend has her hand on Natalie's back. They are all such sweet girls.

A rare site: Natalie wearing jeans.  She wore them to the park and immediately changed back into a dress when we got home.

Natalie and the Easter Bunny

Easter Day

The Hunt is on...

Heading out for another trip to the Tunnel Park

Getting dollies ready for bed.  I asked Natalie about the blocks on top of each dolly.  She said that was their snack :)

Natalie lined my bottle collection up and was so proud of her work.  

Here's to hoping for a long spring and a delay of the hot summer days.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

February and March Pics

Mommy and Natalie at the school Valentine Party

Natalie's Chicken Friend

Watching the Little Rock Marathon

St. Patrick's Day

Pinnacle Mountain State Park with Friends

Natalie's First Playdate at Our House

Making Lunches

Playing at the Tunnel Park with Friends

Riding the Carousel at the Zoo

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Little Dancer

About two months ago Natalie began taking dance classes. We found a wonderful school with a very caring and attentive teacher. The class starts with 25 minutes of tap followed by 25 minutes of ballet and ends with 10 minutes of gymnastics. When Natalie first entered the class she was very reserved. Even though she did not speak I could see that her mind was soaking up everything the teacher said. She could not do all of the moves, but she tried her best. Just by looking at her face and body language I didn't know if she was enjoying herself or not. But when I asked her if she likes ballet she said yes, albeit not very enthusiastically. But the next day she asked when she could go to ballet again. The day after that she asked again about going to ballet class…it became a daily occurrence. Finally Tuesday rolled around again and it was time to go to ballet. She was practically jumping for joy. But when she got into the classroom she was again very quiet.
   photo IMG_2865.jpg

Now she has come out of her shell and I can tell that she is enjoying the class not just from her words but from the sparkle in her eyes.  photo IMG_2001.jpeg