Saturday, August 17, 2013

Half of Her Life

Today, August 17th, 2013, is the day when Natalie has lived exactly half of her life with us.  Every day still feels like a miracle and we are so grateful to have such an amazing, spicy and sweet little girl in our family.  Natalie, we love you very much and are so lucky to be your parents.

I know that attachment and adjustment in adoption is different for every child, but many experts say that as a general rule of thumb this cycle is complete once the child has spent the same amount of time with their new family as they spent in an orphanage or in foster care.  I feel like Natalie has had a healthy attachment to us for quite a long time now, and it is wonderful to feel our bonds growing stronger every day.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back-to-Back Pool Parties

Last weekend Natalie was invited to two pool/birthday parties.  She had a fabulous time at both of them.  She likes hanging out with her friends and is starting to really enjoy the water.
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I am so happy that Natalie will finally smile for the camera.  I love to see her beautiful smile.
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Natalie's friend "L" was getting sleepy... nap-time was approaching.
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After School Antics

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

A New Tradition: Half Birthdays

It drives me a bit crazy that Natalie's birthday is so close to Christmas.  If I was a child I would rather have my presents more spread out, so I decide to informally celebrate her half birthdays.  For Natalie's 3 1/2 year birthday I surprised her with a horse and carriage to transport her cherished princesses around the house.