Today is Louie's second birthday. For his special day I've picked out 24 of our favorite photos in honor of his 24 months of life. But first a few words about this extra special Newfie...
When Louie was born we got the first pick of the litter after Bonnie and Bill (his wonderful breeders) chose the two pups they were going to keep. The most important criterion for us was personality. Knowing this, Bonnie started calling the pup with the red yarn around its neck "Louie" at just 4 weeks old because he was very outgoing and was always wanting to be picked up and cuddled. She was right; Mr. Red did indeed become our Louie. Despite the fact that I said I wouldn't pick Mr. Red after he managed to escape the litter's enclosure at just 2 weeks old. I thought that Red boy was going to be trouble! And, he has been a challenge at times. Louie's so smart that Gary and I had to work very hard to stay one step ahead of him or to catch up the many times we fell behind him in that first year.
No offense to Katie, who has her own special qualities, but Louie is truly the sweetest dog I have ever encountered. He loves every person and dog that he meets. He has
never growled or even curled his lip at another dog. One thing that makes Louie a phenomenal therapy dog is that he doesn't register fear in people like most dogs do. We have encountered many people who were - unnecessarily - terrified of Louie and I have observed many times that he never seems the slightest bit aware of their fear. Louie maintains his happy-go-lucky attitude whether you like him or not.
Our baby boy has nerves of steel, a mischievous streak a mile wide, a brilliant mind, a loving heart and he's also pretty easy on the eyes :-) We are grateful for every day we spend with him and his big sister, Katie.
Louie at 2 weeks old

Louie at 7 weeks old

Louie and his best sister friend, Katie

Louie at his first AKC fun match. He won 1st place in the working group the day he turned 3 months old.

My teddy bear :-)

Louie with Bearbo

Louie's first swim

The cutie twins (Louie was 6 months old)

When he was 9 months old Louie won 3 gold medals at the Dog Olympics at his dog school

Snoozin' on Lambbo

Slaying the dragon

Louie with 2 first place ribbons in his first real conformation show.

Louie with his Newf sized tennis ball

Indiana Newf in The Temple of the DogRoom

Louie with the toy he won in a Rally Obedience competition

Louie and Katie Sue posing with the posies

Louie giving me that look of love I so often see on his face

What are you lookin' at?

Louie learned to pull a cart last year.

Louie and Katie with their Rally Advanced Obedience Ribbons

Louie won 1st place when he earned his third and final leg of his Rally Advanced title.

Louis visiting Ms. A one of our favorite people.

Louie is a wonderful therapy dog.

This picture is just so "Louie"

You know that Stevie Ray Vaughn song "Pride and Joy"? I sing my own version of that to Louie all the time because that's exactly how I feel about him. "I love my Louie, heart and soul...He's my sweet little thing, he's my pride and joy, he's my sweet little Newfie, sweet little Newfie boy".
Happy Birthday Precious Louie! We are looking forward to celebrating many, many more with you!